When in Venice a Gondola ride is pretty much a must. Most people choose the popular tourist ride through the Grand Canal. Jamie and Duane did a little research and found an off the beat Gondola Ride through a company called Row Venice.
This is the look of two women who just realized the romantic gondola ride they were expecting was actually going to be a Gondola Class on how to row a gondola hosted by a very lovely 20-something Venetian Female named Julia.
Lesson #1 Getting in the boat and holding the orr
Lesson #2 Give your wife a heads up about the details of the ride prior to her getting dressed that morning. As you can tell by the dress, I did not expect to actually do anything strenuous during this gondola ride. To humor Jamie, I gave the rowing a go before the group actually left the dock.
Duane looks to be a natural! You can tell this is fairly early into the lesson... Duane is smiling and not dripping sweat.
Every time I see these boats around Venice I have to smile. The amount of wine being hauled around and the large size of the carafes always amaze me.
When your streets are made of water, it makes perfect sense for your sidewalks to be pegs in the side of a building. Our gondola experience took place first thing in the morning, so many of the boat captains were seen doing as they started their day.
Just like the "sidewalks" the front door and entrance to the boaters home were slightly different, Many did not have actual doors, they had open windows with ladders on the outside so they could climb out and get to their boats
Jamie's turn! He was not as lucky as Duane to start out in the marina. Jamie started his rowing lesson in the middle of the large main lagoon area amidst the taxi boat traffic, speed boats, etc.
What is harder than learning to row in the middle of a busy lagoon? Learning to trade spots on the gondola without falling in the water or worse yet tipping the entire gondola into the water. As Julia kept telling the guys... "You have to be FLEX-E-BULL!"
After the guys got used to the rowing motion with Julia helping them steer from the stern, it was time for them to row together. Working together they did a wonderful job of steering...in a circle....many, many times. Did I mention that I do not like deep water or small boats???
Duane's day of rowing is done! He can sit, rest up and enjoy the view with his lovely wife Tari while Jamie steers us home.
O, Captain! My Captain! Jamie leading us back into the marina, he looks rather regal doesn't he? The path back to the marina spot was pretty tight, lined with boats pretty much the entire way. It took some talent to maneuver the gondola back and not get to friendly with the boats docked along the way. Jamie may have slightly bumped one, but Julia was there to save the day.
Regardless of the surprise gondola lesson and Tari and I's less then excited attitude it was a fun morning that made many memories we still joke about years later. One of the big reasons it was so enjoyable was our gondola teacher Julia, She was very patient, funny and down to earth. The guys of course had to get a picture with her before we left. I am pretty sure they both have a copy of this picture in their offices at work, only with the other person cut off it.
Europe and Italy especially has entertaining public signs, but I have to say I think this one tops the list. I am not sure if they are trying to tell us it is a unisex bathroom, or if this bathroom is only for peeping toms.
We did not make it to the Casino this time, but it always makes me feel very James Bond like to ride by it.
Ahhh...Venice! The typical Venice photo.... there is no other city in the world that will have a cityscape like this one,
Market Time! Even though we were staying in a hotel, so we had no need to shop at the Mercato di Rialto, it is still a fun place to wander around.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish......Unfortunately no Blue Fish but plenty of Shell Fish
When the merchants call out about their fresh seafood they aren't kidding. These snails are so fresh they are still alive and crawling out of their container.
On the far opposite side of the island from where our Gondola lesson started this morning we find ourselves in front of the two remaining Gondola Factories - Squero di San Trovaso and Sqeuro di Tramontin. The factories do not allow tours, but you can stand on the other side of the canal and watch them do their artistry.
Not sure how much need anyone has for a gondola that looks like a tank, but if you need one, I know where you can get one.
Did we say how
What makes a hot day seem not so bad? Why Bubbles of course!! The view also did not hurt. We were outside under a canopy right on the main waterway. A great place to people watch as tourists and locals move along the main boardwalk.
One of Jamie's all time favorites..... Langostinos (sweet baby lobsters) it is pretty much a given if they are on the menu Jamie is ordering them.
Of all the places we ate in Paris, Greve, and Venice... this place had the best little towelettes! They smelled very lemony and were heavy duty. They were also great to help cool down from the heat and sun.
Cena di Tipico Di Italia - can't have a meal without pasta, or in this case have pasta be your meal. When in doubt, it is hard to go wrong with Bolognese or Pene al Pomodoro
Go to 3/5/17